AWS Announces App2Container

AWS Announces App2Container

AWS App2Container (A2C) is a command-line tool for modernizing .NET and Java applications into containerized applications. A2C analyzes and builds an inventory of all applications running in virtual machines, on-premises or in the cloud. You simply select the...
AWS Announces GA of Bottlerocket

AWS Announces GA of Bottlerocket

Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the General Availability of Bottlerocket, a new open source Linux-based Operating System (OS) purpose-built to run containers. Bottlerocket includes only the software needed to run containers and comes with a transactional update...
AWS COVID-19 Data Lake

AWS COVID-19 Data Lake

AWS has set up a large data lake employing S3 storage buckets filled with information and resources on COVID-19 to help medical researchers in the fight against the global pandemic. Making sense of many disparate data sets is critical for researchers to find ways to...