Many organizations are taking advantage of the potential benefits of cloud computing. Companies can save money, access cutting-edge technology, or implement scalable and flexible IT solutions through the use of cloud resources. The availability of cloud services allows small and medium-sized businesses to compete effectively with larger companies.

It can be challenging to choose the right cloud solutions to address your business objectives and requirements. Many choices must be made when selecting the cloud service providers (CSPs) or software vendors to meet your business needs. Making the wrong decisions can wind up wasting time and money while not solving your IT issues or achieving the intended benefits.

We’re going to look at some of the questions you need to ask when considering different offerings from cloud service providers (CSPs) or software vendors. Answering these questions will point you in the right direction when selecting cloud services. We’ll also discuss how the experts at VAST IT Services can help your company make the correct choices in cloud solutions.

Questions to Ask When Considering Cloud Solutions

Several steps are necessary to efficiently choose cloud solutions. Organizations should be sure they obtain thorough answers to the following questions.

Why are we looking at cloud solutions?

The first question that needs to be answered is why your company is looking at cloud solutions. There is a wide range of reasons an organization may be interested in cloud computing. These reasons can include:

  • Migrating an IT environment from an on-premises infrastructure to the cloud;
  • Streamlining data access for remote employees by implementing cloud storage solutions;
  • Adding functionality to your business with new applications that address specific requirements;
  • Improving data security by taking advantage of advanced cloud technology;
  • Competing with market rivals through the use of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics.

What service model makes the most sense?

Once you have determined what types of services you want from the cloud you need to evaluate the multiple models available from CSPs. Three main service models are designed to meet the varying needs of cloud customers.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – This model provides a company with infrastructure by employing cloud resources. Companies looking to migrate from an on-premises data center to the cloud may be interested in the IaaS service model.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) – The PaaS model provides a platform suitable for running applications or developing software using cloud resources. Customers eliminate the need to manage infrastructure with the PaaS model.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) – The SaaS model furnishes an organization with a software solution that can be accessed via the Internet. Companies can quickly add functionality without capital expenditures on infrastructure to address emerging business requirements.

Additional models that address specific concerns are also available from select providers. An example is VAST’s Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS) offering which protects a cloud or on-premises environment with a cloud-based disaster recovery solution.

Which cloud deployment option aligns with our business objectives?

After choosing the service model that meets your business needs, it is time to select a cloud deployment option. There are three options from which to choose.

  • Public Cloud – These services are offered and hosted by third-party providers such as Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud.
  • Private Cloud – This is a cloud environment dedicated to a specific organization and can be hosted by a third-party provider or in an on-premises data center.
  • Hybrid Cloud – Hybrid clouds offer flexibility by combining services from public and private clouds. Companies may opt to process more sensitive information using their private cloud environment.

Many organizations choose a combination of these options to create a complex multi-cloud environment. A multi-cloud infrastructure enables companies to design an environment that aligns with their business objectives.

How will our data resources be protected in the cloud?

Security should be a major concern when identifying cloud services for your business. You want to go with a reputable service provider that implements industry-standard security measures to safeguard your valuable information. You will want to verify that your data is encrypted in transit and at rest to protect it against unauthorized access. The cloud provider should also implement strict access controls and network security to keep threat actors out of your environment.

Will we be prepared for potential growth?

One of the main benefits of the cloud is its virtually limitless scalability. Companies need to evaluate their plans and select a cloud solution that aligns with projected growth. If possible, select a solution that provides the flexibility to add or remove services as the business evolves.

How reliable are the services under consideration?

You need to consider the provider’s reputation and their willingness to provide uptime guarantees or enter into service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure system performance and availability. The CSP should have disaster recovery plans in place for resiliency and to ensure your services are not impacted by problems with other cloud tenants.

Do new services integrate with our existing environment?

Integration with existing solutions is essential when looking at SaaS solutions to address specific business issues. Ideally, any new applications can integrate with current systems and enhance business processes.

How much will this cost?

No IT decisions are made without cost considerations. Adopting cloud services is no different and various pricing models should be investigated before committing to a provider. Consider long-term costs as well as the expenses involved if the company chooses to scale up its cloud presence.

How VAST Leverages the Cloud to Address Your Business Needs

VAST’s team of cloud experts can help your company make the right decision when selecting cloud services. We start with a discovery and assessment process that enables us to fully understand your business and the IT needs that can be addressed by the cloud. The assessment provides us with the information we need to craft a dedicated cloud solution that aligns with your business objectives.

Our strategic partners include many of the leading cloud technology companies such as AWS, Microsoft, Google Cloud, Oracle, Druva, and Veritas. We’ll help you find the right cloud service models, delivery options, and software solutions to take your company’s IT environment to the next level. Give us a call and start taking advantage of all the cloud can offer your business.