VAST Perspectives

5 Cost Benefits of Cloud

5 Cost Benefits of Cloud

There are many facets to cloud: public, private, hybrid, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and more. The many technical options means there’s a way to make cloud technology work for nearly every business. It’s great news, then, that cloud is also good for corporate IT spending....

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Does the Operating System Matter for DevOps?

Does the Operating System Matter for DevOps?

Hardware is a solid foundation, but what makes workloads work is the softer, software foundation of the operating system. Your data center team will have opinions that you should listen to. What about your DevOps team? Does the operating system matter for what they...

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5 Ways Your Cloud Provider Doesn’t Protect Your Data

5 Ways Your Cloud Provider Doesn’t Protect Your Data

If you’re planning to rely on your cloud provider to protect your data, you’re placing your business at risk. You can count on your cloud provider to take steps to provide physical security of the infrastructure, and, depending on your cloud model, they may apply...

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