5 Important Considerations for a Cloud Backup Strategy

5 Important Considerations for a Cloud Backup Strategy

Migrating to cloud changes many facets of IT operations, including how backups are handled. Existing backup strategies may not fit the cloud environment. Here are five things to consider when you design your cloud backup strategy: 1. The cost of moving data out of...
Disaster Recovery Tools on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Disaster Recovery Tools on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Public cloud simplifies and accelerates the DR process and cuts costs by replacing standby hardware with on-demand cloud resources. If the primary hosting site fails, the disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) system automatically launches applications by initiating...
Fix Cloud Performance Problems by Identifying Their Source

Fix Cloud Performance Problems by Identifying Their Source

To get top performance from your cloud, you need to first understand the sources of poor performance in the cloud. 1. The nature of cloud. The very nature of cloud introduces obstacles to performance. Cloud is a shared environment, and your workloads aren’t the sole...
6 Changes to Make in Your Data Center to Succeed with Cloud

6 Changes to Make in Your Data Center to Succeed with Cloud

Cloud is about getting things out of your data center. But using cloud effectively also requires bringing things into your data center. What changes do you need to make to your data center for your people and your technology to work well with cloud? 1. New monitoring...