
Control Cloud Costs and Maximize Cloud Performance

VAST View Optimization

Because cloud provides on demand access to resources, you can easily take advantage of its flexibility and scalability. Combine the on-demand capability with self-service functionality, and your cloud can easily grow out of control. Managing and monitoring allows you to optimize your cloud usage to achieve the best performance at the lowest cost.

VAST View’s cloud health check helps you ensure you’re utilizing your cloud in ways that support peak performance and reduce spending. Understand where your infrastructure is underutilized, know how your costs are growing, and discover how to use on-demand and reserved instances to control cloud costs, right size clouds, and improve cloud performance.

VAST can also help you run Kubernetes in the cloud with scalable and highly available virtual machine infrastructure and community-backed service integrations with AWS.  You can choose to manage Kubernetes infrastructure yourself with Amazon EC2 or get an automatically provisioned, managed Kubernetes control plane with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), a certified conformant, managed Kubernetes service. Either way, you get powerful, community-backed integrations as well as the security, scalability, and high-availability of AWS.

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Monitor Cloud Spending as Well as Cloud Performance

In traditional data centers, monitoring is primarily about addressing operational concerns: making sure servers and applications are up and there's enough memory and storage capacity to meet the demand. Once you migrate your workloads to the cloud, monitoring changes....

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